
Friday, 10 December 2010

Black and White: My baby

Today has been both a scary day and a day of gratefulness.

This afternoon this little chap decided to see if he could swallow a cardboard box in an instant (when I turned my back for 2 seconds). He not only managed to chew off a piece of cardboard, he also chewed off a big piece of cellar tap, which got wedged down his throat.

It took me a while, trying to get it out before I realized. My goodness, I might not be able to sort this one out by myself. Very scary moment.

So I called the ambulance.

By the time they arrived he was breathing and the piece of tape was nowhere to be seen. He either managed to swallow it, or as I suspect, it simply fell out when I was walking back and forth to the door looking for the ambulance and holding him forward tilted, which was the only position for him to breath with the thing still stuck in there. I found a large piece of the same kind of cellar tape on the hallway floor later.

Now I feel all washed out of energy, but still buzzing with a sense of warmth and happyness, that it all went well.

I was looking through my photos, to find something suitable for the The Weekend in Black and White when I stumbled upon this photo of my sweet baby boy, when he turned 7 months in November.

So my baby is my contribution this week.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

My Zink tea light holder

Having my first try ever with a macro lens (and finding it a little bit tricky, focusing only by moving the whole camera closer or further from the object). Baby woke up before I had the shot, so this is the result of today's session, but I have promised myself to rather post often than only when I am 100% happy with a photo (which I admit, with hindsight, has not been than often!) ;)

I thought I'd let you peek into my zink tea light holder... for todays NF Macro challenge. I LOVE all my zink tea light holders, I also have a couple of zink houses. I have a feeling you will see more of them before Christmas is over...

Here is the zink tea light holder without macro:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Tuesday theme: Väntan / Waiting...


I've picked up my camera again! :)

Today's Tuesday Theme is Väntan, which means waiting for something.

December is all about Christmas anticipation. To me and to my children.