
Friday, 10 December 2010

Black and White: My baby

Today has been both a scary day and a day of gratefulness.

This afternoon this little chap decided to see if he could swallow a cardboard box in an instant (when I turned my back for 2 seconds). He not only managed to chew off a piece of cardboard, he also chewed off a big piece of cellar tap, which got wedged down his throat.

It took me a while, trying to get it out before I realized. My goodness, I might not be able to sort this one out by myself. Very scary moment.

So I called the ambulance.

By the time they arrived he was breathing and the piece of tape was nowhere to be seen. He either managed to swallow it, or as I suspect, it simply fell out when I was walking back and forth to the door looking for the ambulance and holding him forward tilted, which was the only position for him to breath with the thing still stuck in there. I found a large piece of the same kind of cellar tape on the hallway floor later.

Now I feel all washed out of energy, but still buzzing with a sense of warmth and happyness, that it all went well.

I was looking through my photos, to find something suitable for the The Weekend in Black and White when I stumbled upon this photo of my sweet baby boy, when he turned 7 months in November.

So my baby is my contribution this week.


  1. Tack för din kommentar hos mig!

    Vilka underbara foton du har tagit! Jag älskar svartvitt och zinklyktan i inlägget tidigare var otroligt snygg! Var har du fått tag på den? :)

  2. A beautiful little wide-eyed cutie! And that must have been a scary moment for you! Terrific photo!

  3. A beautiful photo. I'm so glad all went well - you obviously have a very adventurous son!

  4. Tur att det gick så bra, förstår att du blev rädd. Vilka vackra ögon han har din lille pojk.

    Ha en skön adventshelg.//Lissen

  5. Vilken tur att allt gick bra! Vilket fint porträtt av din lille son!

  6. vilken hemsk upplevelse. Men så skönt att det gick bra.

    Och fotot på din grabb, jättefint porträtt. :)

  7. I'm really glad everything worked out - an event like that will definitely sap your energy!

    What a beautiful portrait!

  8. That's a wonderful photograph of your beautiful boy. I'm glad he's ok.

  9. such a fright...I'm so happy your little one is ok...poor momma, you will be the one who remembers this. They all get into things when they are small, but mostly, somehow they survive, and so do we! Beautiful little precious!

  10. Great sharpness in the highlights in the eyes.

  11. Great sharpness in the highlights in the eyes.

  12. Glad it turned out well. Pretty scary then. But, the photo will make it better. It's nice.

  13. Take good care of this photo and show it to him when he is grown up.

  14. Dejligt billede, kan godt forstå at du valgte et af din dejlige dreng, godt at der ikke skete noget med ham, men sikke en forskrækkelse...;-D

  15. What happy ending day!!! and what a wonderful picture of your child!

    my warmest regards to you and yours,

  16. A fine entry for WBW! I'm glad your little chap is OK. Such a cute little boy!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a beautiful weekend****

  17. Been there as a parent and indeed it is very scary. Even now, years later, I shudder at what might have been. Nice cheery, wide eyed photo of the youngster.

  18. What a traumatic event! I'm so glad everyone the little darling is safe. It's funny how some babies put everything in their mouths and some don't.

    This is a really nice shot and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your two older kids too...


  19. It's that wonderful yet scary age in our little ones' lives - the bumping, jumping, swallowing - it brings a smile here, a tear there and a missed heartbeat somewhere. Just pray that the Big Man upstairs is watching them better than we ever can...
